Monday, July 23, 2012

6 Fit Foods For Weight Loss For Women

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Nutritious foods

If you want to lose weight, you need to watch what you eat. No surprise there, but what's good for you and what isn't good for you can be confusing. Some say you should eat certain things, while other experts tell you to avoid them. Carbohydrates are a good example.

Why We Need Carbs

Carbohydrates are one of the best sources of energy and energy is vital. Your body needs it to move, create/maintain body heat, and develop. Your brain and nervous system need a constant supply of glucose, too. However, you need to consider balance - not getting enough carbohydrates can be just as bad as consuming too many.

To be as lean as possible, you need the right amount of carbs, at the right time, from the right sources. The American Dietetic Association recommends a minimum of 130 grams of carbohydrates daily. Of course, how many carbs you need will depend on your size, activity level, and micronutrient intake. So, if you're petite and extremely active, for example, you'll need more than 130 grams.

When to
Eat Carbohydrates for the Best Weight Loss for Women

While your body needs carbohydrates for energy, it's not made of them. Therefore, any carbs your body doesn't use for energy and repairing muscle tissue will be turned straight into fat. If you want to make sure your body uses carbs instead of storing them, eat these foods only after a workout, when your body needs them the most.

For the maximum weight loss for women, carbs should be included in the second meal of the day. This way, you can save your first meal of the day for proteins and fats that will help your body regulate hormones.

The Best Sources of Carbohydrates

-- A seedy relative of the popular leafy green veggie spinach, quinoa is an instant energy source and complete protein. It's also a healthy source of fiber, calcium, and the amino acid lycine, which encourages tissue growth and repair. Its high amounts of magnesium, folate, and phosphorus help prevent and ease migraines, improve heart health, and keep your cardiovascular system in tip-top shape. Studies have found it may also help ward off certain types of cancers, gallstones, and childhood asthma.

Brown Rice -- Brown rice is a great source of easy-to-digest carbohydrates, but that's not all. It's an excellent source of dietary fiber that helps you stay regular and flush toxins from your body. It also contains CoQ10 and gammaoryzanol, which is a muscle-strengthening antioxidant that turns fat into lean body mass.

Steel Cut Oats
-- Because steel cut oats are lower on the glycemic index than regular oats, they're great for weight loss for women, since they won't causes spikes in your blood glucose levels. They're also high in protein and fiber.

Potatoes -- Potatoes contain easy-to-breakdown carbohydrates, but they also contain high levels of B6. This vitamin is a vital ingredient in the formation of new cells, as well as amino acid synthesis.

Sweet Potato -- The carbs, beta-carotene, and fiber found in sweet potatoes make them a great anti-inflammatory food that speeds healing and reduces pain and stiffness in your muscles and joints.

-- Just like lentils, kidney beans are rich in fiber to prevent sharp increases in blood sugar levels and control your cholesterol. They also replenish your iron and supply you with protein, giving you an excellent boost of energy. The molybdenum found in kidney beans help your body deal with sulphites, a preservative often added to prepared foods.

Carbohydrates have really gotten a bad reputation when it comes to dieting and weight loss for women, but you shouldn't eliminate them from your diet. Instead, eat the right carb-containing foods, at the right time, and finally shed those hard-to-lose pounds that have been staring back at you.
Article Source:
If you want to lose weight, you need to watch what you eat. No surprise there, but what's good for you and what isn't good for you can be confusing. Some say you should eat certain things, while other experts tell you to avoid them. Carbohydrates are a good example.
Flavia Del Monte is a Registered Nurse, Certified Physical Trainer, Certified Nutritionist and the creator of Full-Body-Licious. You can read more about her training programs, nutrition advice and great butt workouts on her female fitness blog.
Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author,

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