Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cancer Prevention and Green Tea Intake

Green tea drinkers are said to be less susceptible to cancer than non-drinkers. This has already been proven by some clinical studies. You see, green tea is quite popular for many years now. The ancient Chinese are known to drink green tea because of its many health benefits and now, more and more people all over the world are drinking the amazing tea. Cancer rates in countries that consume a large amount of green tea are much lower and that is according to statistics. The polyphenol content of green tea is said to effectively fight cancer cells from developing.

Animal tests have proven that green tea can help in reducing the formation of certain tumors in the skin, bladder, esophagus, ovary, pancreas, and prostate. The results were due to the antioxidant properties of green tea. EGCG or epigallocatechin is the primary polyphenol which has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Other polyphenols also have the same properties which can prevent skin cancer and even skin tumors.

The growth of cancer cells in the esophagus is also typical but drinking green tea can suppress the growth of such cancer cells. Studies regarding esophageal cancer produced different results. Women tested to drink green tea were protected from esophageal cancer but the other group was susceptible to it. The study concluded and recommended that futher studies should be conducted with regards to esophageal cancer.

The human bladder is another vital organ in the body. Again, researchers are trying to prove if there is a connection between the consumption of tea and bladder cancer. Clinical studies among women proved that bladder cancer was prevented vy drinking gree tea and another clinical study among men with existing bladder cancer had higher chances of survival when green tea was introduced into their diet.

The pancreas can also benefit from the anti-cancer properties of green tea. Both men and women who drank green tea were less prone to pancreatic cancer; however, further studies should be conducted by researchers before they can recommend it for prevention of pancreatic cancer. Then there's the ever increasing number of ovarian cancer patients. Conclusive studies in China among ovarian cancer patients proved quite effective. With one cup green tea everyday, the patients lived longer.

Test tube lab studies also proved that green tea can prevent prostate cancer among men. So far, the studies in different types of cancer gave positive effects when green tea was introduced. by simply increasing the quantity, frequency, as well as the duration of taking the tea, the development of cancer can be prevented.

Cancer has always been a health problem in different age groups. For many years, doctors and researchers have fought against cancer and finally, they came up with an excellent remedy that is not very expensive. So while you're still young and healthy, make sure you drink green tea everyday. Make it a part of your diet, whether you're trying to lose weight or not. There are a lot of benefits of taking green tea and if you want to achieve a much healthier body, start taking it now. Commercial green tea are widely available, as well as the supplement forms. If you want to take the supplemets, you can ask prescription from your doctor.

Although this may mean additional cost on your part, the money you'll be spending is much lesser than having to go through a cancer medication program. Help fight cancer; drink your green tea everyday. Just in case you want to be extra sure, ask your doctor about the health benefits you can derive from tea and you'll be surprised if your doctor agrees with you in taking green tea.

Green tea drinkers are said to be less susceptible to cancer than non-drinkers. This has already been proven by some clinical studies. You see, green tea is quite popular for
To learn about chinese fringe tree, how to eat figs and other information, visit the Gardening Central website

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Start a Walking Program Today

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Start a Walking Program Today

By: .... Click on the author's name to view their profile and articles!!!

 When you decide to start exercising, it’s best to start with a walking program. Walking is gentle, low impact, simple and easy. We walk on a daily basis to get from place to place, so walking, as an exercise should be just as simple. Even if you are out of shape, overweight and haven’t exercised in years walking is great workout. It warms up the muscles, circulates the blood, increases oxygenation, reduces stress, and burns calories. Therefore starting a walking program is one step towards better health.

What you Need-
Most people already own the equipment needed to start walking, however its best to be fully prepared to avoid the risk of injuries such as blisters, muscle pain and strains. A good pair of walking shoes is vital. Comfortable sneakers with proper arch support, a firm heel, and thick and flexible soles are needed to absorb shock. Wear comfortable loose fitting clothes to walk. Bright colors and reflective tape should be worn when walking at night. Dress for the weather, wear layers when its cold, a jacket when its windy or rainy. Clothing material should allow perspiration to evaporate, meaning rubberized materials should be avoided.

Proper Technique-
Very rarely will someone not know how to walk, however due to excessive weight, poor posture and muscle atrophy some peoples walking gait and stance may be altered from what is proper. Therefore its best to learn proper posture and gait before starting your walking program to correct any mistake. When walking its important to hold your head high, with your shoulders back. Keep your chin parallel to the ground and focus your line of sight 15-20 feet in front of you to be able to see on coming obstacles. As you swing your arms at your sides (or bent up in front of you) your shoulders and arms should move naturally and freely. Tighten your abdominals and tuck your pelvis under your torso. Feet should be parallel to each other and shoulder width apart. Now with smooth movements put one foot in front of you and as your foot touches the ground roll from your heel to toe avoiding hitting the ground too hard as you come down. Now that you have your equipment and the basic technique you can start your walking program.

Start your walking program-
Always start with a warm up. This will get your muscles warmed up and your blood circulating. Walk at a slow pace for approximately 5 minutes as you steadily increase your pace. Once you feel warm, then you should stretch. Stretching old muscles can lead to injury. Its important to stretch all the major muscles groups especially in the lower body such as the calves, quadriceps, hamstrings and iliotibial muscles. After stretching you can begin waling. Start slow and steady. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Set your own pace and only go as far and as fast as your body allows you to. A brisk pace increases your breathing rate and heart rate to burn calories. Start with a 10-minute walk one time a day. Then increase it to 15 minutes and continue to increase it over the next couple of weeks until you are up to 30-60 minutes several times a week. As you increase the intensity of your program, you can include uphill walking as well as off road terrain. To measure the intensity of your workout you can manually or digitally check your heart rate. By knowing your heart rate you can maximize your efforts to get a really intense workout. Your heart rate will also indicate if you are overdoing it to the point at which an injury can occur. Manual heart rate can be checked on the wrist (radial artery) or neck (carotid artery). Digital heart rate monitors can be worn under your shirt and on your wrist like a watch. Every walking session should be finished with a cool down period. This reduces the stress on the heart, muscles and body. Walk slowly for 5 minutes to slow down your heart rate and breathing until it returns to normal. Then repeat your stretches to reduce lactic acid build up in the muscles.

A walking program will keep you health, active and fit. If you want to lose weight, mange your weigh or just get healthier walking is the best way to do it.
Article Source: http://www.abcarticledirectory.com
When you decide to start exercising, it’s best to start with a walking program. Walking is gentle, low impact, simple and easy. We walk on a daily basis to get from place to place, so walking, as an exercise should be just as simple. Even if you are out of shape, overweight and haven’t exercised in years walking is great workout.
Sarah Labdar graduated with a BA in exercise science and has worked in the medical field since. Her focus is alternative medicine and how it interacts and works in conjunction with traditional medicine. Better Health-Live your Life to the fullest! www.universalhealthinfo.com/Start_a_Walking_Program.html
Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author,



Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Healthy Eating Tips

 By: .... Click on the author's name to view their profile and articles!!!
 There are many small things that you can do as you are shopping and cooking your meals to make them quite a bit healthier. Despite what you might think, you do not have to spend a lot of money or take a lot of time to eat healthily. Many things can be done without any great fuss at all or additions to your cooking schedule. Read on to discover new healthy cooking tips that can really boost the nutrition of your meals.

  First, you can prepare tomatoes to be even heart healthier than normal by cooking them. That is right: If you heat tomatoes, you start a chemical change in them that makes the lycopene in the tomatoes become easier for your body to take in. You can do this by cutting roma tomatoes in half and put them on a baking sheet. Put some olive oil and salt/pepper on them and broil them for about 20 minutes. This will give you a really delicious side dish with your meal that is very healthy for your heart.

  When you are cooking with garlic, you should know that this wonderful ingredient is full of enzymes that help to fight cancer and to boost your immune system. However, high cooking temperatures will kill the allinase in the garlic, which is much of what makes garlic so healthy. So, after you chop up your garlic, let it stand for about ten minutes before you cook it in a pan. This will let the herb in the garlic make compounds that will reduce the damage from the heat. Of course, if you don't have a lot of time, there is nothing wrong at all with eating raw garlic. It is great to put on toast and also top off with chopped tomatoes and onions. This is a simple bruschetta that is inexpensive, easy and very healthy.

  If you also are cooking with apples and lemons, in addition to tomatoes, know that if you heat up acidic foods like these in your iron skillet, you can increase by 2000% the amount of iron you can absorb from the food. This happens because some of the iron will actually leach into your food, but the iron particles are so tiny you can't taste them. It's totally safe and it actually is healthy! Another way to increase your iron absorption is to pair foods high in iron with foods that have high acid. For example, the iron that you find in red meat is very easily absorbed by your body, but the iron in beans and grains is not. So, combining acidic foods with the harder-to-absorb iron foods can help your body better absorb iron. This can definitely help to keep you healthier over the long haul as iron is so important to our blood health, among other things.

  To build your eyes and your bones, you should add olive oil, nuts, avocado and other healthy fat sources to your fruit and vegetables. This will boost the amount of vitamins that are fat soluble. These nutrients will help to increase the health of your eyes, boost immunity and also to keep you from having strokes and osteoporosis. This works because the fats help to transport the vitamins to your body's cells. This also works great with carotenoids, which is what makes tomatoes and carrots bright in color. If you eat salsa with avocado, your body will absorb as much as 4X more lycopene and 3X more beta carotene. So, you really can improve how well your body will absorb some nutrients if you pair some foods with good fats.
Article Source: http://www.abcarticledirectory.com
There are many small things that you can do as you are shopping and cooking your meals to make them quite a bit healthier. Despite what you might think, you do not have to spend a lot of money or take a lot of time to eat healthily. Many things can be done without any great fuss at all or additions to your cooking schedule. Read on to discover new healthy cooking tips that can really boost the nutrition of your meals.
Lawrence Reaves writes for Proctor Silex a kitchen appliance company that offers a selection of afforfable kitchen appliances ranging from slow cookers to coffee makers and blenders. For more inforamtion on these types of product click here.
Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author,

Monday, July 23, 2012

6 Fit Foods For Weight Loss For Women

By: .... Click on the author's name to view their profile and articles!!!

Nutritious foods

If you want to lose weight, you need to watch what you eat. No surprise there, but what's good for you and what isn't good for you can be confusing. Some say you should eat certain things, while other experts tell you to avoid them. Carbohydrates are a good example.

Why We Need Carbs

Carbohydrates are one of the best sources of energy and energy is vital. Your body needs it to move, create/maintain body heat, and develop. Your brain and nervous system need a constant supply of glucose, too. However, you need to consider balance - not getting enough carbohydrates can be just as bad as consuming too many.

To be as lean as possible, you need the right amount of carbs, at the right time, from the right sources. The American Dietetic Association recommends a minimum of 130 grams of carbohydrates daily. Of course, how many carbs you need will depend on your size, activity level, and micronutrient intake. So, if you're petite and extremely active, for example, you'll need more than 130 grams.

When to
Eat Carbohydrates for the Best Weight Loss for Women

While your body needs carbohydrates for energy, it's not made of them. Therefore, any carbs your body doesn't use for energy and repairing muscle tissue will be turned straight into fat. If you want to make sure your body uses carbs instead of storing them, eat these foods only after a workout, when your body needs them the most.

For the maximum weight loss for women, carbs should be included in the second meal of the day. This way, you can save your first meal of the day for proteins and fats that will help your body regulate hormones.

The Best Sources of Carbohydrates

-- A seedy relative of the popular leafy green veggie spinach, quinoa is an instant energy source and complete protein. It's also a healthy source of fiber, calcium, and the amino acid lycine, which encourages tissue growth and repair. Its high amounts of magnesium, folate, and phosphorus help prevent and ease migraines, improve heart health, and keep your cardiovascular system in tip-top shape. Studies have found it may also help ward off certain types of cancers, gallstones, and childhood asthma.

Brown Rice -- Brown rice is a great source of easy-to-digest carbohydrates, but that's not all. It's an excellent source of dietary fiber that helps you stay regular and flush toxins from your body. It also contains CoQ10 and gammaoryzanol, which is a muscle-strengthening antioxidant that turns fat into lean body mass.

Steel Cut Oats
-- Because steel cut oats are lower on the glycemic index than regular oats, they're great for weight loss for women, since they won't causes spikes in your blood glucose levels. They're also high in protein and fiber.

Potatoes -- Potatoes contain easy-to-breakdown carbohydrates, but they also contain high levels of B6. This vitamin is a vital ingredient in the formation of new cells, as well as amino acid synthesis.

Sweet Potato -- The carbs, beta-carotene, and fiber found in sweet potatoes make them a great anti-inflammatory food that speeds healing and reduces pain and stiffness in your muscles and joints.

-- Just like lentils, kidney beans are rich in fiber to prevent sharp increases in blood sugar levels and control your cholesterol. They also replenish your iron and supply you with protein, giving you an excellent boost of energy. The molybdenum found in kidney beans help your body deal with sulphites, a preservative often added to prepared foods.

Carbohydrates have really gotten a bad reputation when it comes to dieting and weight loss for women, but you shouldn't eliminate them from your diet. Instead, eat the right carb-containing foods, at the right time, and finally shed those hard-to-lose pounds that have been staring back at you.
Article Source: http://www.abcarticledirectory.com
If you want to lose weight, you need to watch what you eat. No surprise there, but what's good for you and what isn't good for you can be confusing. Some say you should eat certain things, while other experts tell you to avoid them. Carbohydrates are a good example.
Flavia Del Monte is a Registered Nurse, Certified Physical Trainer, Certified Nutritionist and the creator of Full-Body-Licious. You can read more about her training programs, nutrition advice and great butt workouts on her female fitness blog.
Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author,

Wholesome Snacks You Can Eat When Trying To Lose Weight

By: .... Click on the author's name to view their profile and articles!!!

The issue with the majority of diets is that you have to eat less food and this results in you being hungry a lot.. And since you are hungry you are going to definitely grab a snack from time to time to hold you over until the next meal. Because of this it's important to select some wholesome snacks for weight loss that won't hinder your progress. Having a "Snickers" might satisfy you, but in case you are dieting this will ruin your efforts for that entire day, you really should be smarter about it and take a look at the healthier snacks listed below.

Nut Products

Nuts are wonderful for any diet designed for slimming down. Nuts routinely have loads of protein and as just about any person can tell you, protein can help curb your appetite a little. There is a drawback though, as they contain plenty of calories so don't consume too many! You will find that simply by eating an ounce of nuts, it should be ample to take off the edge. The one thing you need to understand is that one ounce will be equivalent to about 25 almonds. Stay away from the salted ones and as an alternative go for the plain roasted ones. You can add nuts to shakes or cereal if you would like.

Fresh Fruit

Having a piece of fruit doesn't only help your sweet tooth but you will see that it could be filling. Keep a few different types of fruits at hand so you have a assortment to choose from. Something you should do would be to also make sure you have fruits that you can tote around when you leave the house. Some super easy fruits to keep along with you are apples, pears, bananas and grapes, as well as different berries. Another advantage of having fruit is that you will be getting essential nutrition, which is crucial to any diet.

Certain Snack Bars

I am sure you have often seen these in the cereal isle when you're shopping but you have to make positive that they are low in calories and sugar. Your best bet is to try and obtain the bars that have under 200 calories, of course less calories are much better and the Special K bars usually only have 90 calories in each bar. If you opt for another bar, try and find ones which have real fruit or nuts in them.

Try Instant Oatmeal

The instant oatmeals, along with the flavored types can be a good choice due to the fact a single package is only going to have about 130 calories or less if you decided to go with the plain oatmeal. While it is not as simple as eating an apple, all you need is some hot water to get it ready to eat. Of course, if you pick the plain oatmeal you will notice that by adding different fruits to it, it may be a little nicer.


Yes we realize that water is not a food, nonetheless it can help if you feel hungry. Although this will not work constantly, commonly a glass of water will be sufficient in your stomach to curb your hunger. You will additionally discover that in order to stay healthy you need to be drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. Water provides no calories in it, and so feel free to drink as much as you would like!

Needless to say, you still have to be practical when snacking as indulging too much will mean you do not lose weight. If you are on a diet and you're trying to lose weight the above snacks will assist you when you're feeling hungry.
Article Source: http://www.abcarticledirectory.com
If you've ever been on a diet regime before you must understand that you are usually hungrier as you are eating less food..
Want to find out more about an irritable bowel diet, then visit Dr. Laura Gregory's site for help with irritable bowel cures.
Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author,

Monday, April 23, 2012

Basic Nutrition Facts That Help Your Health

By: .... Click on the author's name to view their profile and articles!!!

Most people don't take the time to learn the basics of good nutrition. If you have decided to improve your nutrition and live a healthier lifestyle, then it is time to take a look at what is true and what isn't regarding good nutrition.
The following information will give you what you need to know. No matter what tricks or gimmicks you have tried, there is only one rule for maintaining a healthy weight. In order to stay the same weight, lose weight or gain weight you need to consider the number of calories you eat in relation to the number of calories you burn each day.
There are many easy to use online calorie calculators to help you find out the number of calories you need to eat for each of these situations. The number you get will take into consideration your gender, your height, and your level of daily activity. Carbohydrates, protein and fat are the three basic macronutrients that you body needs to function.
Carbohydrates are the basic fuel that the body uses. Protein is necessary for growth, tissue repair and building muscle. Fat is essential for energy, vitamin absorption and healthy cell membranes. The amount needed by the body for each of these macronutrients can be found in the USDA guidelines for nutrition and vary according to your age. Carbohydrates that are good for your body are found in whole grains, fruits and, in lesser amounts, in nuts and seeds. Protein is found in lean meat, chicken, fish and cheese. Healthy fats include those found in avocados and olive oil. Avoid the unhealthy fats found in butter, snack foods and fried foods. Micronutrients are also necessary for good health.
These are the vitamins and minerals that are needed for good health. In addition to vitamin C, D, E, and B-complex, your body requires zinc, iodine and other minerals. They work together to promote healthy bones, skin and organs. These vitamins and minerals are found in colorful fruits, vegetable and fish, such as salmon. Once you have fueled your body with the proper nutrients, you can help them all work together for better health with regular exercise. Exercise increases blood flow to all parts of your body and makes sure that the nutrients are delivered where they are needed. You can create a regular exercise routine that works for you. Walk, jog or visit your local gym for at least 30 minutes, three times a week. Strength training is an ideal way to keep your muscles strong. Whatever you chose, make the commitment to stick with your routine and you will find that you body will use the nutrients more efficiently.
If you give your body the nutritious food it needs, you will be rewarded with good health and the energy you need to preform your daily tasks. Following the basic guidelines is easy to do when you understand how basic nutrition works to keep you feeling your best. Don't be fooled by trendy diets, stick to the basics in the article above.
Please click the FREE NUTRITION REPORT link below in the resource author box
Article Source: http://www.abcarticledirectory.com
Most people don't take the time to learn the basics of good nutrition. If you have decided to improve your nutrition and live a healthier lifestyle, then it is time to take a look at what is true and what isn't regarding good nutrition.
And now I would like to invite you to visit www.healthynutritionsecrets.com for FREE Instant Access to a more information on Healthy Nutrition Secrets FREE NUTRITION REPORT AND MUCH MORE.
Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author,

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hello World

Hi, this Michelle, I am trying out my first blog. I will be sharing my ideas about exercise, eating good food, family, and having fun. I hope you will join me on the wild ride.